

先週はCarbon Footprintで、今週はConsumerism…。Twitter学習で扱ったトピックばっかり来るから驚いてる。Twitterで勉強していて本当に良かった(・□・;)聞かれることが、ことごとくTwitterで話したり聞いたりしたことばかり。感動してる。


・keen:(v.)be keen on A(≒eager, enthusiastic)
・Shopaholic:(n.)someone who loves go to shopping and buys lots of things may not need
・leak:(v.)to get in or out through a small hole in something
・persuade:(v.)to make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it
・purchase:(v.)to buy
・pleasant:(adj.)fun, attractive, or giving pleasure /ˈplez.ənt/
・trolley:(n.)a large basket on wheels that you use for carrying bags, shopping etc
・make our mouth water:よだれを垂れさせる、欲しがらせる
・greeter:(n.)a person employed to greet customers at a shop, restaurant, or other business
・retail:(n.)the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale (≒sell, market)
・carve:(v.)to make an object or pattern by cutting a piece of wood or stone
・woven:(v.)weaveのp.p. to make cloth, a carpet, a basket etc by crossing
・apparently:(adv.)according to what you have heard or read
・prickly pear:(n.)ウチワサボテンの実
・scruffy:(adj.)dirty or untidy in appearance,みすぼらしい
・fish cake:おでん、揚げた練り物
・unlike:(adj.)(prep.)different from a particular person or thing
・cope:(v.)=deal with something, manage
・insulting:(adj.)無礼な、失敬な causing or intending to cause somebody to feel offended
・intend:(v.)…しようと思う, plan
・admit:(v.)…をしぶしぶ認める, to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true
・postage:(n.)郵送料 the cost of sending a letter
・warranty:(n.)保証、保証書 guarantee
・electronically:(adv.)電子的に in an electronic way
・flirt:(v.)べたべたする to behave towards sb as if you find them sexually attractive, without seriously wanting to have a relationship with them
・possession:(n.)所有 belongings
・wrap up:in conclusion, (まとめてください的な)


・borrow:to get something from somebody that must be returned
・debt:money owed to a person, bank or company


・Time is money

I agree with this quote.
Because basically, this quote means time is valuable as same as money, so you mustn’t waste your time. And when you want something, you use money. When it comes to time, it’s the same too, like you can get experience instead of losing your time. Time and money are to gain something instead of losing.
That’s why I think time is important and meaningful in our life, the same as money.



・I’ve seen similar ones that are cheaper!
・It’s genuine!
・It’ll last forever.
・I don’t have much money left.
・I won’t make any money like that.
・Take it or leave it. I can’t go lower than that.

Non-Defining Relative Clauses

・”,which” はwho/thatに置き換え可能(昔はダメだった)
・non-definingはextra information, take outしても文章の意味がとおる


many, each, either, few, several, both, neither, fewer

・a few minutes
・a couple of slices of toast
・several pairs of shoes
・any accessories
・a lot of the things
・many things
・plenty of people (合ってる???)


much, a bit of, a little

・a bit of time
・enough money
・much free time

Countable/Uncountableはvery easyって先生いうけど、全然easyじゃなかった。suitcaseが数えられて、laggageは数えられない。climateは数えられてweatherは数えられない。viewは数える、sceneryは数えない・・・。こうゆうのはもうただそうゆうものなんだって覚えるのがコツですね。私はこの半年の英語学習で、もやもやするものはただ数をこなして覚えることに専念するという術を身につけた。これは時にとても有効である。



X-ray X-rayed
a stomach ace upset stomach
・If we leave early enough, we won’t will miss the traffic.
・If you use sun cream, you don’t won’t get burned when we go sailing.
・All employees should turn off are supposed to clear their tablets when they have finished lunch.
・We are supposed shouldreally to clear turn off our computers…..
・Reading Part




