
traditional vs distance (伝統的vs通信)


ゆとり教育:education free from pressure
ゆとり世代:the generation with more relaxed education
道徳:moral education
(learning values education)

traditional と distance learning


If you are under a junior high school student, you may take traditional classes better than online. Because when you are a child, you have to learn how to build a relationship and how to communicate with other people.
But if you are over a high school student, you may choose online classes because you will be studying high and technical subjects. You can focus on your pace and your field by online classes.


I prefer a traditional class. Because I get tired of studying by myself and can remember well the knowledge to connect with someone’s experience. In addition, I can find something to another point, and I can understand deeper.

What education do you think is more important for men and women?



Before now, a man’s education was more important than a woman’s. Because it was that age when a man earned money and a woman was a full-time housewife. For now, I think the value is getting a change, so both a man and a woman need fair education, and education is important to live my way.



I think education doesn’t need to change content by gender. We need to understand the different values of each other people.




A traditional class was a common style in Japan, but an online class has been increasing after the covid-19 pandemic.
Although I thought an online class was difficult in public school, I’m getting adjust this situation.

I think an online class is a useful style because I can review again and again, I don’t take commute time, and it’s reasonable.


【A day at scool】のテーマのリスニングを行いました。小学生へのインタビュー音声でした。「起立・礼」など、ときどき日本語が混ざり、日本語だ!って喜んでいるうちに次を聞き逃すという感じでしたが、子どもの英語はかわいくて癒されました。

・crack the books = start studying
・cut class = miss scool
・stand and bow = 起立、礼
・baskpack = ランドセル
・gym clothes = 体操服
・go to school in a group = 集団登校
・stuff = thing(もの)

