


I regret not reviewing the class this week because I was busy working, moving, and going out with friends. And the environment previous room was terrible these days.
But finally, I moved to a new house today! And this house is very nice! It’s quiet, and the flatmate is female. I’m so happy. I’ll study harder again!


(adj.)unexpected, surprising or strange
(adv.)despite something that you have just mentioned
(adj.)correct and true in every detail
(adv.)used to introduce the logical result of something that has just been mentioned
(v.)to become smaller
far smarter:
(adj.)much more
(v.)to fill or enter a place in large numbers or amounts
(n.)the details of a person’s family, education, experience, etc
(n.)the various aspects of a person’s character that combine to make them different from other people
get to know
(phrase)to spend time with someone or something so that you guradually learn more about them or it
keep in touch:(be, get stay in touch)
(idiom)to communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them
(n.)a member of your family
(n.)the way in which two or more people feel and behave towords each other
sense of humour
(n.)your ability to understand funny things
have something in common
(idiom)to share interests, experience, or other charactaristics with someone or something
get on with someone:get along with
(pharasal verb)to have a friendly relationship with somebody
(n.)wanting to know more
grow apart
(pharasal verb)to gradually stop having a close relationship with somebody
(v.)to design or create something that has never been made before
(v.)to say something is wrong or not satisfactory
(adj.)showing a willingness to take any risk in order to change a bad or dengerous situation

Past Simple/Past Continuous

Past SimplePast Continuous
1) Completed action
(last week, yesterday, …ago)
1) Unfinished action in progress at a specific time
2) Parmanent finished situations
(-can also used the present perfect)
2) To give a background description in a story
3) Sequence of events
(a few actions that happened one after the other)
3) 2 or more actions happening at the same time
4) Annoying past habits
5) PC&PS together
when we have an action in progress and another action that interupts

Past Habits:used to do/would do

used to/ would do
→to talk about past habits. you can also use pasnt simple

Normally, you use “used to” first, and “would” is the second choice in writing

be just about to do

-used to talk about something you were plannning to do before something happened (use with “when suddenly”)

I was just about to go out when suddenly heard a noise coming from my room.

just as

-used to emphasise that two actions happened at exactly the same time (use with the past continuous after just as but the past simple is also possible)

Just as I was going out, someone called me.
