

事前に日本で受けたプレイスメントテストの結果は、なんとIntermediate(B1)!!! 私の通う学校は15段階に分けられていて、下から7番目のクラスなので、ちょうど真ん中らへんでした。去年の8月に受けたテストだと、下から2番目のElementary(A1)だったので、日本にいるうちに勉強した分は成長できたようです(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

My school life started on June 5.
The result of a placement test that I took in Japan was Intermediate. When I took the first test last August, it was Elementary, so my English level seems to be improving.


My classmates are very friendly and kind. And I can relax and enjoy taking a class. One of the reasons is that there are a lot of Asian students, maybe.
Students from Thai, Japanese, and Colombian are four students in each country, and 2 Spanish, and then Korean, Brazilian, Italian, and French is one student in each.

When I was in Japan, I thought I try to speak English every time after moving to Australia, even if my friend is Japanese. But it was impossible. All Asian students are interested in the Japanese language, and everyone can speak languages a bit that is spoken by other students, like Japanese, Korean, Thai, or something like that. Even during class, the teacher asks us How to say this in Japanese???


So I gave up the English-only policy. And lately, I realized when I walk around in the city, I hear a variety of languages. If I don’t focus on English, I miss the sound of English. It is cultural diversity.
And when I met a Japanese student for the first time, she asked me, “Can I talk to you in Japanese?” I couldn’t answer it for a moment. But now I don’t mind if I speak Japanese. I don’t feel anxious if I speak English or Japanese. Personally, the most challenging thing now is listening to English.

授業は、今「Well-Being」の単元なのでちょっと難しい。仮定法もまだゼロ&First Conditionalなのに混乱。そして友達の一人は看護師なので、これ何?って聞くと「Why don’t you know? You are a nurse!」って笑われるw

Anyway, it was the topic “Well-Being” and Zero/ First Conditional last week, and a little bit difficult for me despite being a nurse. When I ask a friend the meaning of vocabulary, she always laughs and says, “Why don’t you know? You are a nurse!!!”
She is nice and almost the same age as me, so it’s easy for me to talk to her.


Though I know that it doesn’t matter to foreigners about time, I was surprised because Only Japanese, Korean, and one of the Thai students go to school at 9 o’clock on time to start a class. Others arrive here around 10 o’clock. And I still don’t know how long we take a break exactly because everyone doesn’t mind it, and nobody tells me. But every one ready to go home quickly, like before three forty-five. That’s strange.


フラットメイトとは結局4人しか見つけてないし、中国の子とブラジルの子としかまともに喋ってない。でも彼ら曰く、私含めてこの3人しか喋るような人はいないらしい。他の子は目も合わせないって話してた。私が到着した次の日の朝、キッチンで「new flatmate」「very British」って話しながら、冷蔵庫開けて私の食材見たりしてて面白かった。会話に入りたかったけど、寝起きでひどい恰好だったからやめといた。

I’ve seen 4 people though there are 6 people probably. And I chatted with only 2 people, so I worried about building a good relationship with other flatmates. But thy told me that others don’t talk to anyone.


At first, I felt anxious because the atmosphere of this accommodation was different from my expectation. But I got used to living here.


I was always surprised about high prices, but lately, I’m not surprised. So I can buy everything without hesitation, and my money is gone easily.



I usually go shopping or go straight home after school on weekdays. After going back to the accommodation, I have dinner, review the class, write the diary…and then prepare to go to bed.


I went for a picnic with my friend at South Bank. I really enjoyed it.

