
Job interview2回目


I was looking for a job again this week and dropped off my resume in person just twice for the first time. It was a good challenge because I felt very nervous, and nobody responded. I prefer to apply by email.

今回もFacebookからメールで応募したところが面接につながりました。Facebookってすごい。オーストラリアでのjob interviewは二回目。なんだかあまり身が入らず、ほぼ準備をせず行ったら、面接に来てる子が他に2人いて(全員日本人)、マネージャーさんは面接忘れてたのかいなくて、15分ほど外で待機でした(笑)マネージャーさん遅刻のおかげで他の子と喋ったり、スタッフさんの様子をチラ見できてよかった。マネージャーさんも日本人で、スタッフも日本人何人かいた。来週トライアル。今回はトライアル当日に結果教えてもらえるみたい。キッチンハンドだけどトライアルは緊張するなあ。

And this time, I had a chance to do a job interview that I found on Facebook. A job interview was the second time for me. I don’t know why I didn’t focus on preparing for a job interview, so I went unready. When I arrived, the manager wasn’t there. It seemed to be forgotten. People who have job interview appointments are 3 people, including me. Then, we waited together. The Sushi restaurant has a lot of staff from Japan, and I felt the atmosphere was good.
A job interview was in Japanese, and I got a trial shift next week. I don’t have any experience as a kitchen hand, and the trial shift will last 4 hours, but if I’m not suitable, it will stop less than 2 hours, so I’m a little bit nervous.



Lately, I got frustrated because one of my friends had talked to me in Japanese more frequently, and I had gone to a restaurant almost every day with my friends.
I think this feeling is related to a situation before my period. I want to study English harder, but I can’t do it because my room is not bright, even daytime, and it’s too much construction noise after 10 pm, and I hear a lot of Japanese languages, or there are many drunk students in a shared space.
However, I feel tired when I exactly listen to an Aussi accent because of my teacher. Maybe I’m tired too without thinking about studies and environmental issues. Probably I need to do exercises. And I want time to take into the bathtub.


Like this, I was feeling not good, but I could hear how to improve my listening skill on the last day of a class this week, and I was motivated by my classmate who has a good listening skills.
He told me that he had continued a dictation with Harry Potter movies for about 2 years. When I was in Japan, I did a dictation with NHK contents, and it was difficult to even just within 5 minutes, so I really look up to him. And he said that he had done it when feeling good, and the point had been to continue it step by step. After talking to him, I determined again I focus on studying English.


When I asked classmates how to study English, all people except the Japanese answered, “I don’t study,” so I was glad to hear that he told me his way of studying. I think most students worry about their life, how to make money, how to build a good relationship or something like that. I want to see students, who love studying English, and I want to learn together while enjoying. Maybe one of my Japanese friends likes studying English because she always stays the school until 7 pm, but she is negative about grammar or teaching and speaks Japanese a lot, so sometimes I feel tired. Having said that, I like her because of so cute.


By the way, I was happy because I was the best student in the class on the test four times. Despite this, the test five times was terrible lol Reported speech was difficult to understand tense.

I need something to feel a sense of accomplishment
