
今週のTopicはWhat a disaster

日曜日にちょっとだけこのユニットの予習をしてたのですが、まあ難しい…。授業中に1分くらいで読んでねって言われるようなリーディングパートに1時間くらいかかりましたね。そしてTwitterフレンドに勧められて、Titanic submersibleのニュース記事を夜な夜な読んだおかげで、授業もかなりスムーズに受けられました。みんなニュース見てるの偉い…。テレビ見てるのかな?私は一秒も見てない(笑)ずーっとNetflixかDisney+かSPOTIFYで生きてます。


(n.)a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea

・take off:
(v.)it leaves the ground and being to fly ⇔land

(n.)a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience

(adv.)towards the insaide⇔outwards

(n.)height above sea level (SYN)height /haɪt

(n.)the land, especially along the sides of a river

・to freak out:
(v.)to become or cause someone to become extremely emotional (panic, shock)

(v.)falling or moving to a lower level (for object, for people or animal→drown:to go under water while swimming)

(v.)shouted something or made a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain, or excited (yelled at someone→angry / yelled to someone→not angry, just call)

・to become yourselves:
(v.)to prepare yourself physically or mentally for something unpleasant

(v.)to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (SYN)move out

(n.)a boart or ship for taking passengers and often vechicles across an area of water

(n.)the force or action of one object hitting another (SYN)shock, crash, big effect

(n.)behaviour or actions which show no fear of dengerous or difficult things (SYN)courage

boat→to go fishing trip
ship→usually cruise, travell

・a blister:
painful, swelling on the skin which may contain liquid, caused by rubbing or burning

illness from eating a dengerous substance to poison

・to faint:
loose consciousness, pass out

・to fall down:
転ぶ, collapse to the ground

・to fall off:
落ちる, to separate from something and move to the ground

・an infection:
a disease caused by a virus or something

・to crash into sth:
to hit something

・a sprain:
an injury to a joint

・to slip:
滑る, to slide

・a splinter:
a small, sharp piece of wood, glass or other material

・a sting:
a small but painful injury caused when an insect or animal makes a small hole in the skin

・to fall into sth:
…の中に落ちる, be drawn accidentally into a course of action or way of behaving

・a suntan:
pleasantly brown skin caused by being in hot sun

・to trip:
つまづく (trip over…:…につまづく)

・a burn:
an injury caused by exposure to heat or flame.

・a sunburn:
a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun

・a graze/ to graze:
to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough

【メモ:lower body】
・thigh:(n.)above the knee
・knee:(n.)the middle joint of the leg that allows the leg to bend
・shin:(n.)the front part of your leg between your knee and your foot
・toes:(n.)any of the five separate parts at the end of the foot

(n.)an animal that lives in water and has a shell

(n.)the hard outer covering of nuts, eggs, some animals…

(v.)to hit your foot or toe against a hard object

(adj.)not having the normal amount of water in your body so that you feel ill or weak

(v.)to say that someone has done something morally, wrong, illegal, or unkind

(v.)to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening

(n.)air/water movement

(adj.)a clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way

(adj.)arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time, not late

(adj.)chemical, containing acid or having similar qualities to an acid, having a pH of less than 7

【メモ…is off】
I have a stomachace because that milk was off.
milk was off→牛乳は腐ってた
This is off→これは腐ってる
This Food is off→この食べ物は腐ってる

(n.)family (old fashioned)

(n.)wild dog


Grammar point:Past Perfect

・S + had + past participle

*had + infinitiveの時もあるから見落とし注意
I had eaten→event
I had to eat→need, requirement

Before, Afterを使うときは、Past Perfectにしなくても良いって最初教わったけど、次の先生曰く、American EnglishならPast Simpleにするけど、AustraliaとかBritishならPast Perfectにするのが普通と…。そして、テストの時はどっちを書けばいいかという他の生徒の問いに関しては、その時の担当の先生になにEnglishか聞いとくのが良いって返答だったけどハードル高いw

Actionが二つ以上のときは全部Past Perfect使っておけば間違いないかな?OrderならPast Simpleって言われたこともあるけど、それをPast Perfectにしても問題ないのかな?変なのかな?

Narrative Tenses

Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past PerfectはNarrative Tensesで、storyを伝えるときに使う。

Past Continuousにしなきゃいけない場面がよくわからない。whileのあとは使う感じかな…???他は何だろう。

Confusing Words

■ Job,Work
Job:particlar type of work, a teacher, a nurse…
Work:activities or place, go to work, hard work


■Remind, Remember
Remember:comes back

Loss:cannnot find




Say:Say+something (+to someone), sorry, thank you, a prayer
Tell:Tell+someone+something, a joke, the truth, the story, a lie

Extrem Adjective

・very frightened:terrified
・very dirty:filthy
・very tired:exhausted
・very big:huge
・very bad:awful
・very happy:ecstatic
・very pleased:delighted
・very surprised:astonished
・very angry:furious
・very funny:hilarious
・very hot:boiling
・very small:tiny
・very good:excellent
・very cold:freezing
・very hungry:starving

The time Expressions

・after:later than something
・as soon as:immediately
・in the end:after a series of events
・after a while:after quite a short time
・finally:after a long time, difficulty or delay
・suddenly:quickly, unexpectedly
・….later(e.g.two hours later):after the previous event



・A time when you made your parents furious (create a story)

When I had got a car accident, my parents were furious.
Because the accident was caused my fault.
I think they were worry about me, and were very upset.
After that, I became to very careful driver, so I appliciate them.

・had gotten into a car accident
・Writingで文頭にBecauseはNG (Speaking, TextはOK)
・caused by
・became a very careful driver


今週はどれもこれも難しかった。知らない単語多すぎるし、過去完了使って話すの難しすぎる。難しすぎると、授業中に質問するタイミングも逃してしまう。わからないときにThaiの友達に聞くと、すべてIt’s okay~って言われるのがじわる。ハマる。でも疑問は解決しない。
